Seniors receive 10% off all Pressure Cleaning and House Soft Wash Services.

Get in touch today!

To get in touch with the White Knight Window and Pressure Cleaning Team please click on your preferred method and Steve will either email, SMS or call you back. From there we can arrange mutually agreed time.

During the quote we will inspect your home for the best way too have your Windows Cleaned. Some of the mitigating factors include: access and difficulty, type of Windows (Sliding, Double hung, fixed) Types of Frames (Timber, Aluminium, Deep, Shallow) Types of Glass (Commercial grade, Residential, Hydrophilic/Hydrophobic) Tint (Low-E, Comfort Glass, Smart Glass)

We will also note any damage or scratches and provide you with information about the process we will take and the equipment we will use and the level of expectation will be relayed to you at this point.

Should the glass have any issues such as Hard Water staining or excessive construction debris including paint, concrete, grout or silicone the methods of restoration art removal will be discussed and the level of expectation/cost will be relayed to the customer at this stage.

Unfortunately the White Knight Window Cleaning team does not do any form of quoting without the homeowner, client or agent present this is due to our customer service level, combined with the fact t that we like to explain the process and keep the client informed and involved from start to finish.

We are happy to quote after hour or on weekends if that best suits your timescale just let us know and we can arrange a time and date


Phone: 0434 460 072


Don't miss out on this fantastic offer! call us today:

 0434 460 072